Consentrated colloidial silver 4oz. For producing feminized seeds


4 ounces of concentrated colloidal silver for producing feminized seeds.

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Colloidal silver will enable you to produce your own feminized seeds for fractions of pennies, versus paying 30 to 50 dollars for 5 seeds from a seed vendor.

How to make colloidal silver spray:

Mix colloidial silver at a 1:2 ratio. One 4oz bottle to 4oz of water, making a total of 12oz.

How to make feminized seeds with colloidal silver:

Using colloidal silver to feminize cannabis seeds involves a process where you treat a developing female plant with colloidal silver to induce it to produce male flowers, which will then produce pollen that carries only female genetics. This pollen can be used to pollinate other female plants or even the same plant, to create seeds that are feminized, i.e.,  seeds garunteed to grow  into female plants with the idinticle genetics of the mother plant.

Here's a guide to help you understand and undertake the process step-by-step:

### Materials Needed:
- Colloidal silver solution (minimum 30 ppm)
- A spray bottle
- Feminized cannabis seeds/plants
- A secluded space for treating the plant

### Steps:

1. **Choose Your Plant**: Start by selecting a healthy female cannabis plant that you wish to treat with colloidal silver.

2. **Timing**: Begin the colloidal silver treatment just before the plant enters its flowering stage, which is generally around the time you switch your light cycle to 12 hours on, 12 hours off.

3. **Preparation**: Transfer the selected plant to a secluded area to avoid any cross-contamination with other plants during the spraying process.

4. **Spraying**: Fill a spray bottle with colloidal silver solution. Spray the areas of the plant where the buds will form, focusing on the nodes of the plant. Do this daily until male flowers start to develop. You don't need a lot of male flowers so you could treat just a few branches and use the resulting pollen to pollinate the same plant.

5. **Inducing Male Flowers**: Continue this process for 14-18 days. The silver inhibits the plant's ethylene production, a hormone that is responsible for female flowering, forcing the plant to produce male pollen sacs instead.

6. **Collecting Pollen**: After a while, the treated plant will develop male pollen sacs. Let these sacs mature until they are ready to burst open, then collect the pollen in a clean, dry container.

7. **Pollination**: Use the collected pollen to pollinate another healthy female plant. You can do this by carefully dusting the pollen onto the pistils of the female flowers of another plant. This plant should be well into its flowering stage for successful pollination (usually 2-3 weeks into the flowering stage).

8. **Seed Harvesting**: After pollinating the female plant, it will produce seeds. Allow the seeds to develop fully before harvesting. This generally takes about 4-6 weeks.

9. **Harvesting and Curing**: Once the seeds are mature, harvest them and let them dry in a cool, dark place for a week or two.

### Safety Notes:

1. **Health and Safety**: Colloidal silver is not safe for consumption, so the plant that was treated with colloidal silver should not be consumed in any form.

2. **Equipment**: Ensure that you are using a quality colloidal silver solution with the appropriate ppm for the best results.

3. **Legal Considerations**: Always abide by the legal regulations in your jurisdiction when cultivating cannabis.

### Conclusion:
By following the correct procedure and taking the necessary precautions, you can successfully feminize cannabis seeds using colloidal silver. This method is popular among breeders looking to produce stable feminized seeds.


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